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Object Detection

Object Detection

Command Details
i_o_detect Detect all the objects in the image and return the image with rectangles around each object.

Object Classes

Command Details
i_c_object_person Set the selection rectangle to persons present in image.
i_c_object_bicycle Set the selection rectangle to bicycle objects present in image.
i_c_object_car Set the selection rectangle to car objects present in image.
i_c_object_motorbike Set the selection rectangle to motorcycles objects present in image.
i_c_object_aeroplane Set the selection rectangle to airplanes objects present in image.
i_c_object_bus Set the selection rectangle to bus objects present in image.
i_c_object_train Set the selection rectangle to train objects present in image.
i_c_object_truck Set the selection rectangle to truck objects present in image.
i_c_object_boat Set the selection rectangle to boat objects present in image.
i_c_object_trafficlight Set the selection rectangle to traffic light objects present in image.
i_c_object_firehydrant Set the selection rectangle to fire hydrant objects present in image.
i_c_object_stopsign Set the selection rectangle to stop signs objects present in image.
i_c_object_parkingmeter Set the selection rectangle to parking meter objects present in image.
i_c_object_bench Set the selection rectangle to bench objects present in image.
i_c_object_bird Set the selection rectangle to birds present in image.
i_c_object_cat Set the selection rectangle to cats present in image.
i_c_object_dog Set the selection rectangle to dogs present in image.
i_c_object_horse Set the selection rectangle to horses present in image.
i_c_object_sheep Set the selection rectangle to sheeps present in image.
i_c_object_cow Set the selection rectangle to cows present in image.
i_c_object_elephant Set the selection rectangle to elephants present in image.
i_c_object_bear Set the selection rectangle to bears present in image.
i_c_object_zebra Set the selection rectangle to zebras present in image.
i_c_object_giraffe Set the selection rectangle to giraffes present in image.
i_c_object_backpack Set the selection rectangle to backpack objects present in image.
i_c_object_umbrella Set the selection rectangle to umbrella objects present in image.
i_c_object_handbag Set the selection rectangle to handbag objects present in image.
i_c_object_tie Set the selection rectangle to tie objects present in image.
i_c_object_suitcase Set the selection rectangle to suitcase objects present in image.
i_c_object_frisbee Set the selection rectangle to frisbee objects present in image.
i_c_object_skis Set the selection rectangle to skis objects present in image.
i_c_object_snowboard Set the selection rectangle to snowboard objects present in image.
i_c_object_sportsball Set the selection rectangle to sportsball objects present in image.
i_c_object_kite Set the selection rectangle to kite objects present in image.
i_c_object_baseballbat Set the selection rectangle to baseball bat objects present in image.
i_c_object_baseballglove Set the selection rectangle to baseball glove objects present in image.
i_c_object_skateboard Set the selection rectangle to skateboard objects present in image.
i_c_object_surfboard Set the selection rectangle to surfboard objects present in image.
i_c_object_tennisracket Set the selection rectangle to tennis racket objects present in image.
i_c_object_bottle Set the selection rectangle to bottle objects present in image.
i_c_object_wineglass Set the selection rectangle to wineglass objects present in image.
i_c_object_cup Set the selection rectangle to cup objects present in image.
i_c_object_fork Set the selection rectangle to fork objects present in image.
i_c_object_knife Set the selection rectangle to knife objects present in image.
i_c_object_spoon Set the selection rectangle to spoon objects present in image.
i_c_object_bowl Set the selection rectangle to bowl objects present in image.
i_c_object_banana Set the selection rectangle to banana objects present in image.
i_c_object_apple Set the selection rectangle to apple objects present in image.
i_c_object_sandwich Set the selection rectangle to sandwich objects present in image.
i_c_object_orange Set the selection rectangle to orange objects present in image.
i_c_object_broccoli Set the selection rectangle to broccoli objects present in image.
i_c_object_carrot Set the selection rectangle to carrot objects present in image.
i_c_object_hotdog Set the selection rectangle to hotdog objects present in image.
i_c_object_pizza Set the selection rectangle to pizza objects present in image.
i_c_object_donut Set the selection rectangle to donut objects present in image.
i_c_object_cake Set the selection rectangle to cake objects present in image.
i_c_object_chair Set the selection rectangle to chair objects present in image.
i_c_object_sofa Set the selection rectangle to sofa objects present in image.
i_c_object_pottedplant Set the selection rectangle to potted plant objects present in image.
i_c_object_bed Set the selection rectangle to bed objects present in image.
i_c_object_diningtable Set the selection rectangle to dinning table objects present in image.
i_c_object_toilet Set the selection rectangle to toilet objects present in image.
i_c_object_tvmonitor Set the selection rectangle to tv monitor objects present in image.
i_c_object_laptop Set the selection rectangle to laptop objects present in image.
i_c_object_mouse Set the selection rectangle to mouse objects present in image.
i_c_object_remote Set the selection rectangle to remote controller objects present in image.
i_c_object_keyboard Set the selection rectangle to keyboard objects present in image.
i_c_object_cellphone Set the selection rectangle to cellphone objects present in image.
i_c_object_microwave Set the selection rectangle to microwave objects present in image.
i_c_object_oven Set the selection rectangle to oven objects present in image.
i_c_object_toaster Set the selection rectangle to toaster objects present in image.
i_c_object_sink Set the selection rectangle to sink objects present in image.
i_c_object_refrigerator Set the selection rectangle to refrigerator objects present in image.
i_c_object_book Set the selection rectangle to book objects present in image.
i_c_object_clock Set the selection rectangle to clock objects present in image.
i_c_object_vase Set the selection rectangle to vase objects present in image.
i_c_object_scissors Set the selection rectangle to scissors objects present in image.
i_c_object_teddybear Set the selection rectangle to teddybear objects present in image.
i_c_object_hairdrier Set the selection rectangle to hairdrier objects present in image.
i_c_object_toothbrush Set the selection rectangle to toothbrush objects present in image.