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Here are some examples for crop operation on-the-fly.

Original Image

Original Image

Simple Crop

Let's say we want to crop the image to 300 pixels by 300 pixels. Here is the url command to do that. The center of the image will be used as the center for crop operation in this example.

Using i_h_300 and i_w_300 will set the requested size and i_o_crop will specify the crop operation.


Change Center

As mentioned in the previous example, the default crop operation will crop the image based on the center of the image.

Using center selectors you can change this default. i_c_x and i_c_y will set the X and Y of the desired center for crop operation. Top left corner of the image is (0, 0). In this example we set the center of the image to be (400, 250).



Center on Objects

Using our A.I. object detection features you can set the center of crop operation on objects presents in your image. Using i_c_object and the name of the object we can set the center on a specific object.

In this example lets say we want to crop the truck image. We are using center selector i_c_object_truck to achive this.



We can also crop the image based on the person in it. Using center selector i_c_object_person will do the trick.




You can lookup the object detection API reference to see all the objects we detect in images.

Round Crop

It is also possible to crop the image in a round style. Using i_o_rcrop operator will crop the image in a round style. Here are some of the examples with round crop.



Adding a PNG format conversion will transparent the corners for better desing.




Please note if you are specifying args for crop operation you have to first crop the image using i_o_crop operation and then style it with a round crop using i_o_rcrop.

And here is the result of setting the center of the image on the truck and round crop it with PNG format.



Face Crop

Using Inteliver A.I. face detection feature, you can also set the center of the crop on the faces detected in the image.

Original Image

Original Image

Simple Face Crop

Using i_c_face selector you can set the center of the crop on the face.


Face Crop

Rounded Face Crop

Combining round crop and PNG format conversion with centering the crop operation on face will result in an automatic profile picture.

Face Crop