Here are some examples for resize operation on-the-fly.
Original Image¶

Simple Resize¶
Let's say we want to resize the image to 200 pixels by 200 pixels. Here is the url command to do that.
will set height to 200 and i_w_200
also set the width to 200. i_o_resize
is the operation command.

Keep Ratio¶
As obvious in the modified image, ratio is not preserved. If you would like to keep the original image ratio when resizing you can use i_o_resize_keep

Face Center¶
You can use face selector i_c_face
to resize the image centered on the face.

Combining Operations¶
Using face selector plus a round crop i_o_rcrop
you can create an automatic round profile picture. Using i_o_format_png
will change the image format to PNG to be transparent in the corners.

One Dimension Resize¶
You can resize an image by specifying only height or width. The other dimension will be calculated according to the original image ratio.
The following image is resized to have a height of 200 pixels.

The following image is resized to have a width of 200 pixels.