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How inteliver Works?

Inteliver uses intuitive url query commands to apply specefic operations on each image.

Using these query commands you can specify what changes you need to apply to your data or which operations should be applied on your data.

Inteliver delivers the data after processing the query commands and applying the algorithms.

For example for changing the width of the image to 200 pixels you add this command to the image URL:

  • i_w_300: Sets the image width to 200px
  • i_o_resize_keep: Resize the image while keeping it's ratio

Original Image


Original Image


Data Resource URL

Lets consider the following image URL.

An image URL on your servers
An image URL on inteliver storage

The image can be stored using your own internal storage or inteliver storage.

The cloudname in the above mentioned URL is the cloudname that you use, here it is inteliver.

After setting up inteliver self-host or inteliver cloud you will have a cloudname. You can use this cloudname to access your resources.

You can also use your own data storage after enabling your endpoint in inteliver panel.


URL Query Commands

Inteliver query commands are written between the cloudname and the resource pathname.

The mentioned data resource is the following picture.

Original Image

Lets say we want to set the focus on these sets of images to face i_c_face, and change the size of the image to a 200 by 200 pixels i_w_200,i_h_200 and crop it i_o_crop rounded i_o_rcrop and change the image format to png i_o_format_png.

The above creates a face focused profile picture.

The final URL with the above mentioned changes will be:

Profile Picture Commands
Query Commands
  • i_c_face: Change the center of modification to detected face
  • i_w_200, i_h_200: Sets the image width to 200 and the image height to 200 pixels
  • i_o_rcrop: To round crop the image
  • i_o_format_png: Change the image format to PNG for background transparecy

The result will be a rounded profile picture of the image with focus on face. All done with a minor url query commands change.

Profile Picture


Feel free to change and exprience this url commands system in our playground.