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Image A.I. Algorithms

Inteliver currently supports out-of-the-box Object Detection and Face Detection.


Background Removal is our next feature in A.I. algorithms.

Object Detection

Using Inteliver you can detect the objects in each image. You can either use this metadata or you can select based on each object and apply the desired operation.

Here is the returend result after using object detection command.


Object detection can be used to automatically fill image tags or search images semantically in a large dataset of images.


Original Image


Object Detection

Operation on Objects

Using object detection feature of inteliver you can modify images semantically.

Lets say we want to crop the cars in a set of images:


Original Image


Object Detection


Here we first select car's object by i_c_object_truck and then crop it using i_o_crop operation.

There are also more examples in object detection examples.


you can also refer to API reference section for complete list of args.

Face Detection

Using A.I. algorithms and deep learning face detection neural networks, Inteliver enables you to detect all the faces present in your image data.

Using Inteliver you can detect the faces in each image. You can either use this metadata or you can select based on each face and apply the desired operation.

Profile Picture

Here is an example to extract a profile picture out of the user image.


Original Image


Profile Picture


If the image containes more than one face, the faces will be numbered and accessible through each face numbers. The face number automatically asigned according to the focusness of that specefic face.

Multiple Faces

Here is an image with a two faces.


Two of faces


Apply on first face


Apply on second face

Background Removal

Using background removal A.I. feature you can remove the background of your images.


This feature is under development and upon release the docs will get completed.