This page provides a detailed explanation of the overall architecture of inteliver, using a sequence diagram to illustrate the flow of data and operations within the system.
inteliver Data Flow Diagram¶
participant Client
participant inteliver
participant YourServers
Client->>inteliver: Request for data
loop inteliver caching
inteliver->inteliver: Respond from cached data if available
inteliver-->>Client: Cached data
inteliver->>YourServers: Forward Request
YourServers-->>inteliver: Requested data
loop inteliver A.I.
inteliver->inteliver: Apply A.I. algorithms on data as requested
inteliver-->>Client: Tailored data
Diagram Explanation¶
The sequence diagram above illustrates the interactions between the Client, inteliver, and YourServers. Here is a step-by-step explanation of the processes depicted in the diagram:
1. Client Requests Data¶
The process begins with the Client sending a request for data to the inteliver platform.
2. inteliver Caching¶
Upon receiving the request, inteliver first checks its cache to see if the requested data is already available. This is depicted by the inteliver->inteliver loop labeled "Respond from cached data if available". If the data is found in the cache, inteliver sends the cached data back to the Client immediately.
3. Forwarding Request to YourServers¶
If the data is not available in the cache, inteliver forwards the request to YourServers. This is shown by the inteliver->>YourServers arrow. YourServers process the request and send the requested data back to inteliver.
4. Applying A.I. Algorithms¶
Once inteliver receives the data from YourServers, it enters another loop where it applies the necessary A.I. algorithms to modify and tailor the data as per the request. This is represented by the inteliver->inteliver loop labeled "Apply A.I. algorithms on data as requested".
5. Sending Tailored Data to Client¶
After processing the data with the required A.I. algorithms, inteliver sends the tailored data back to the Client, completing the request cycle.