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Inteliver Python SDK


We are updating SDKs to be compatibale with our latest changes.


Please visit our Github page for more information.


Using our python sdk you can upload, set configs and retrieve your data.


This python package is available at PyPI. simply run the following command to be able to use our python API.

    pip install pyinteliver

You can also pull our repository and use the API without any requirements to install.

    git pull

Inteliver Configs

After registering in Inteliver you will have a cloud-name and token. This pair will be used to authenticate you for uploading data or using intelligent service. To set this in your code simply:

Create InteliverConfig
from InteliverConfig import InteliverConfig

config = InteliverConfig(cloudname="your-cloudname", token="your-token")


To upload your data first set your config object. Then use the following lines:

from Uploader import Uploader

uploader = Uploader(config)
file_key = uploader.upload('logo.jpg')

If uploaded successfully you will receive a json file with following format.

    'success': True, 
    'message': 'Successfully uploaded.', 
    'resource_key': RETURNED_RESOURCE_KEY

resource_key is a unique key which able you to receive your data later.

Retrieve Data

Using InteliverRetrieve class you can build the URL of the data you need to get from Inteliver.

To retrieve your data first set your config object. After setting your config object, build an InteliverRetrieve object.

Set Config Object
from InteliverConfig import InteliverConfig
from InteliverRetrieve import InteliverRetrieve

config = InteliverConfig(cloudname="your-cloudname")
rt = InteliverRetrieve(config)


Note that for retrieving data you only need your cloudname to be set.

All the image modifications are sequentional.

for example lets say you want to select the main face in picture resize it to 200 and 200 and keep the original ratio and to crop the image in a rounded shape and change the format to png and build the url.

let say your resource image is this one:

Original Image

Retrieve Rounded Face Image
    rt.select_face()'height', 200)'width', 200)
    url_to_get = rt.build_url(your_resource_key)

This will build a url like this:


The image you receive after modification is :

Modified Image


You can find out about the image modification examples at inteliver Examples.